A Prayer for a Person Bound to Sea

Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Military Prayer | Comments Off on A Prayer for a Person Bound to Sea

O Eternal Lord God, who alone spreads out the haves, and rules the raging of the sea; Be pleased to receive into thine protection the person of thy servant, for whom our prayers are deferred.  Preserve him from the dangers of the sea, (*and from the violence of the enemy;) and may he return in safety to enjoy the blessings of the land, with the fruits of his labours; and with a thankfully remembrance of thy mercies, to praise and glorify they holy name, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

*These words to be said in time of war.

Book of Common Prayer 1785, for King’s Chapel
King’s Chapel was housed in what was formerly called “Stone Chapel”, an 18th century structure at the corner of Tremont Street and School Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

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