Make Real to Our Hearts Faith & Courage

Posted by on Aug 30, 2012 in Military Prayer | Comments Off on Make Real to Our Hearts Faith & Courage

Our Father Who art in Heaven, Who through Christ our Lord hast taught us that Thou art near us on earth:

We stand today, uncovered, desiring the consciousness of Thy presence, in faith that while we are at one in spirit with the heroes of the common good we are not far from Thee.

Give us to know the power of the lives this day commemorates. Bring vividly before our vision all who have hazarded their lives for country and home, and make real to our hearts the faith and the courage by which our fathers and our comrades lived and died. May our minds be open to every sacred memory, and may our hearts be receptive to every holy impression.

Here in the awareness of Thy presence we would dedicate ourselves anew, in confidence that life’s battle is not lost and that our comrades have not died in vain. Consecrate with Thy presence the way our feet must go, and lift us above bitterness, and hate, and unrighteous anger into faith and courage and good will. Guard  us against violence of spirit and preserve us in mental and spiritual health, that whatever bodily sacrifice awaits us, we may endure with patience, keeping faith with ourselves, our loved ones, and with Thee.

Comfort the sorrowing, soothe the suffering, and be near to bless the dying, granting them the preparation of the gospel of peace for the life beyond. Remember in mercy the children of Thy creation, and bring us out of our confusion and strife to know that the fruits of righteousness shall be peace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Colonel Ivan L. Bennett, Army Chief of Chaplains 1952-1954

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