May the Vessels of our Navy be Guarded

Posted by on Jul 23, 2012 in Military Prayer | Comments Off on May the Vessels of our Navy be Guarded

O Eternal God, may the vessels of our Navy be guarded by Thy gracious Providence and care.  May they not bear the sword in vain, but as the defense to those who do well.  Graciously bless the officers and men of our Navy.  May love of country be engraven on their hearts and may their adventurous spirits and severe toils be duly appreciated by a grateful nation.  May their lives be precious in Thy sight, and if ever our ships of war should be engaged in battle, grant that their struggles may be only under an enforced necessity for the defense of what is right.  Bless all nations and kindreds on the face of the earth and hasten the time when the principles of holy religion shall so prevail that none shall wage war any more for the purpose of aggression, and none shall need it as a means of defense.  All of which blessings we ask through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Prayer Book 1944
Philadelphia Navy Yard (1843)
This prayer is offered at the launching of battleships of the United States Navy.  It is an adaptation of a prayer first offered at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in 1843.

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