Let Duty to God and Country be My Most Sublime Aspirations

Posted by on Jul 26, 2012 in Military Prayer | Comments Off on Let Duty to God and Country be My Most Sublime Aspirations

O God, My Father, The Great Referee of earth and sea and sky, be with me in combat and adversity. Strengthen my love for the land that has given me birth and make me worthy of the sacrifices of my fathers in hewing America from the wilderness they found. Endow me with the courage to face danger in spite of fear. Make me resolve that the blood of my fathers was not shed in vain and that regardless of cost – our way of fear. Make me strong that I may better defend my home and my native land. Keep me mentally awake that my enemies may never again strike with surprise and deal with me in treachery. Uplift my morals that I may better maintain the honor of my country and the reverence of my forefathers. Let duty to God and Country be my most sublime aspirations, and kindle my heart and soul with the determination to die rather than yield the ideals of my world. O God, My Father, whatever duty befalls me when my country calls, may I acquit myself as worthy of Thy Guidance.

And when my combat’s over and my flying days are done I will store my ship forever in the airdrome of the sun. Then I’ll meet the Referee, Great God, my Flying Boss, Whose Wingspread fills the Heavens from Polaris to the Cross…. Amen.

Brigadier General Robert L. Scott, Jr,

Fighter Pilot, United States Army Air Forces,

Author of God is My Co-Pilot

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