May Thy Truth Make Us Free

Posted by on Jun 19, 2012 in Military Prayer | Comments Off on May Thy Truth Make Us Free

Thou hast taught us to love truth and beauty and goodness. In all our relationships as citizens of the Republic, this sweet land of liberty, may Thy truth make us free- free from littleness, pride, and prejudice, and from all the ugly sins of disposition which so easily do beset us. May our patriotism be pure and undefiled. In all our aspirations and attitudes lift us, we pray Thee, above the mud and scum of mere things to the holiness of Thy beauty. Thus may the common tasks and the trivial rounds be edged with crimson and gold.

Lead us in the paths of righteousness for Thy Name’s sake. Enrich us with those durable satisfactions of life, so that the multiplying years may not find us bankrupt in those things that matter most, the golden currency of faith and hope and love.

In these desperate and dangerous days in our national life, when the precious things we hold nearest our hearts are threatened by the sinister forces without pity or conscience, help us to give the best that is in us against the wrong that needs resistance, and for the right that needs assistance and for the future in the distance, and the good that we may do.

In this solemn hour of the supreme test of America’s faith, may we bear our full part in freedom’s daughters who will live in the light of the new day: “I saw the powers of darkness put to flight. I saw the morning break!”

We ask it in the dear Redeemer’s name. Amen.

Rev. Frederick Brown Harris (1883 – 1970) – The Armed Forces Prayer Book
Rev. Harris was a Methodist Clergyman and has the longest service record as Chaplain of the Senate – 24 years.

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